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2018 한국에서 국제학회인 CGOM13 (International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Materials) 개최될 예정입니다. Workshop 결정학, 결정공학, 결정화기술 분야의 산업계, 학계 연구계의 전문가에게 과학 기술적 전문 정보를 교환하는 기회의 장으로서 2년마다 개최되는 학술대회입니다. 특히 정밀화학, 제약, 석유화학, 결정소재 산업분야에서 관심을 되는 Fundamentals of crystal nucleation, Growth and polymorphs, Co-crystals, Chiral resolution, Crystallization engineering, Crystallization technology 등의 주제에 중점을 두었습니다. 투고 논문은 Crystal Growth and Design (ACS journal, 상위 10%이내) 특별호에 개제될 예정입니다. 많은 관심과 투고 부탁합니다.


김우식, 양대륙 드림




International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Materials

Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Aug. 27-30, 2018




Important Due Dates

- Abstract submission: March 30, 2018

- Early-bird registration: April 30, 2018


 - http://www.CGOM13.org


? Nucleation, growth, agglomeration, morphology

? Polymorphs, cocrystals, solvates, salts, polytypism

? Phase transformation, thermodynamics

? Chiral discrimination, chiral resolution and symmetry breaking

? Molecular kinetics, transport phenomena in crystal growth

? Intermolecular interactions in the solid state

? Modeling of crystal growth processes

? Molecular simulation for crystals

? Characterization of crystals

? Process design, simulation and control

? Crystal engineering

? Crystals in pharmaceutical formulations

? Photonic & electronic applications

? Biomineralization and bio-inspired materials

? Nanostructured & nano crystals

? Others



? Secretary General (Organizing Committee) : contact@CGOM13.org

? Organizing Chairs: Woo-Sik Kim & Daeryook Yang