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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
232 Organic Three-Component Single Crystals with Pseudo-isomorphic Co-crystallization for Nonlinear Optics and THz Photonics FCC 2019.01.31 6537
231 Synthesis of Cu7S4 nanoparticles: Role of halide ions, calculation, and electrochemical propertie FCC 2019.01.29 1099
230 Fast and Scalable Hydrodynamic Synthesis of MnO2/Defect-Free Graphene Nanocomposites with High Rate Capability and Long Cycle Life FCC 2019.01.29 8565
» In Vivo Synthesis of Nanocomposites Using the Recombinant Escherichia coli FCC 2019.01.29 11928
228 Reliable seawater battery anode: controlled sodium nucleation via deactivation of current collector surface FCC 2019.01.29 25332
227 Monolithic heterojunction quasi-solid-state battery electrolytes based on thermodynamically immiscible dual phases FCC 2019.01.29 6890
226 Edge-Terminated MoS2 Nanoassembled Electrocatalyst via In Situ Hybridization with 3D Carbon Network FCC 2019.01.29 606
225 Distinct hydrophobic?hydrophilic dual interactions occurring in the clathrate hydrates of 3,3-dimethyl-1-butanol with help gases FCC 2019.01.29 724
224 Correlation of Low-Index Facets to Active Sites in Micrometer-Sized Polyhedral Pyrochlore Electrocatalyst FCC 2019.01.29 708
223 Hydraulic power manufacturing forhighly scalable and stable 2D nanosheet dispersions and their filmelectrode application FCC 2019.01.29 3577
222 High-Performance Next-Generation Perovskite Nanocrystal Scintillator for Nondestructive X-Ray Imaging FCC 2019.01.29 682
221 Efficient organic-inorganic hybrid flexible perovskite solar cells prepared by lamination of PTAA/CH3NH3PbI3/anodized Ti metal substrate and graphene/PDMS transparent electrode substrate FCC 2019.01.29 1918
220 Development of Mixed-Cation CsxRb1-xPbX3 Perovskite Quantum Dots and Their Full-color Film with High Stability and Wide Color Gamut FCC 2019.01.29 621
219 Two-dimensional nanosheets of tungsten vanadate (WV2O7) obtained by assembling nanorods on graphene as a supercapacitor electrode FCC 2019.01.29 2985
218 The Exterior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as a Millimeter-Long Cation-Preferring Nanochannel FCC 2019.01.29 721
217 Salt-templated Three-dimensional Porous Carbon for Electrochemical Determination of Gallic Acid FCC 2019.01.29 32943
216 Microfluidic Generation of Prussian blue-laden Magnetic Micro-adsorbents for Cesium Removal FCC 2019.01.29 4460
215 Contorted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon: Promising Li Insertion Organic Anode FCC 2019.01.28 13748
214 Aqueous-phase synthesis of metal hydroxide nanoplates and platinum/nickel hydroxide hybrid nanostructures and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties FCC 2018.07.26 941
213 Super-flexible bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)-amide doped graphene transparent conductive electrodes for photo-stable perovskite solar cells FCC 2018.07.26 5861