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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
312 Woo-Sik Kim, Unveiling Surface Redox Charge Storage of Interacting Two-Dimensional Heteronanosheets in Hierarchical Architectures FCC 2015.05.07 16666
311 Numerical simulation of Taylor-Couette fluidic device for the exfoliation of two-dimensional materials FCC 2021.03.11 16088
310 O-Pil Kwon, New Electro-Optic N-Methylquinolinium Crystals with Naphthalene-1-sulfonate FCC 2016.02.22 16083
309 Woo-Sik Kim, Compositional Dependence of the Alignment of Three-Dimensionally Macroporous Architectures Assembled by Two-Dimensional Hybrid Nanosheets FCC 2017.06.15 15583
308 Woo-Sik Kim & Sang Kyu Kwak & Yun Suk Huh & Jeong Won Kang & O-Pil Kwon, Stereoselective Inhibitors Based on Non-polar Hydrocarbons for Polar Organic Crystals FCC 2016.10.04 15141
307 Dynamic multimodal holograms of conjugated organogels via dithering mask lithography FCC 2021.03.11 15132
306 Point-of-care genetic analysis for multiplex pathogenic bacteria on a fully integrated centrifugal microdevice with a large-volume sample FCC 2020.04.09 15009
305 Sang-Wook Kim&Sang Kyu Kwak, Transformation from Cu2?xS Nanodisks to Cu2?xS@CuInS2 Heteronanodisks via Cation Exchange FCC 2017.05.19 14678
304 Hollow-sphere Co-NC synthesis by incorporation of ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and pseudomorphic replication and its enhanced activity toward oxygen reduction reaction FCC 2020.04.09 14364
303 A novel approach to prepare Cu(I)Zn@MIL-100(Fe) adsorbent with high CO adsorption capacity, CO/CO2 selectivity and stability via controlled host?guest redox reaction FCC 2021.03.11 14207
302 Contorted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon: Promising Li Insertion Organic Anode FCC 2019.01.28 13750
301 Sang-Wook Kim, Direct and environmentally benign synthesis of manganese oxide/graphene composites from graphite for electrochemical capacitors FCC 2015.03.31 13614
300 Jonghwi Lee, Structural Implications of Polyphenolic Antioxidants FCC 2016.04.01 13322
299 In-situ Local Phase-Transitioned MoSe2 in La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ Heterostructure and Stable Overall Water Electrolysis over 1000 hours FCC 2020.04.09 12375
298 Yun Suk Huh, Preparation of a reduced graphene oxide/poly-l-glutathione nanocomposite for electrochemical detection of 4-aminophenol in orange juice samples FCC 2015.08.19 12070
297 Sang Hyuk Im, Non-corroding alpha-alumina@TiO2 core-shell nanoplates appearing metallic gold in colour FCC 2016.02.16 11981
296 In Vivo Synthesis of Nanocomposites Using the Recombinant Escherichia coli FCC 2019.01.29 11928
295 Yun Suk Huh, Development of multi-stage column for lithium recovery from an aqueous solution FCC 2015.10.12 11924
294 A simple strategy for the synthesis of flower-like textures of Au-ZnO anchored carbon nanocomposite towards the high?performance electrochemical sensing of sunset yellow FCC 2021.03.11 11907
293 Sang Hyuk Im&Sang-Wook Kim, Highly efficient solid-state mesoscopic PbS with embedded CuS quantum dot-sensitized solar cells FCC 2016.02.22 11531