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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
152 Bum Jun Park, Transition behaviors of configurations of colloidal particles at a curved oil-water interface FCC 2017.03.16 627
151 Jeong Won Kang, Analysis and modeling of alkali halide aqueous solutions FCC 2017.03.16 731
150 Woo-Sik Kim&Sang Hyuk Im&Jinsoo Kim, Facile Scalable Synthesis of MoO2 Nanoparticles by New Solvothermal Cracking Process and their Application to Hole Transporting Layer for CH3NH3PbI3 Planar Perovskite Solar Cells FCC 2016.11.01 1223
149 Jinsoo Kim, Spray pyrolysis synthesis of g-Al2O3 supported metal and metal phosphide catalysts and their activity in the hydrodeoxygenation of a bio-oil model compound FCC 2016.10.04 823
148 Jonghwi Lee, Recently developed applications for natural hydrophilic polymers FCC 2016.10.04 909
147 Jonghwi Lee, Assembly of particle-fiber composites by electrohydrodynamic jetting using counter-charged nozzles: independent release control FCC 2016.10.04 818
146 Sang Kyu Kwak, First-Principles Study of the Role of O2 and H2O in the Decoupling of Graphene on Cu(111) FCC 2016.10.04 825
145 Sang Kyu Kwak & Jeong Won Kang, Thermodynamic efficiencies of hydrogen storage processes using carbazole-based compounds FCC 2016.10.04 752
144 Woo-Sik Kim & Sang Kyu Kwak & Yun Suk Huh & Jeong Won Kang & O-Pil Kwon, Stereoselective Inhibitors Based on Non-polar Hydrocarbons for Polar Organic Crystals FCC 2016.10.04 15113
143 Jonghwi Lee,Rupture force of cell adhesion ligand tethers modulates biological activities of a cell-laden hydrogel FCC 2016.08.01 852
142 Woo-Sik Kim & Taekyung Yu, Controlling the Morphology and Composition of Ag/AgBr Hybrid Nanostructures and Enhancing Their Visible Light Induced Photocatalytic Properties FCC 2016.07.27 868
141 Woo-Sik Kim & Taekyung Yu, A facile synthesis of Ag/AgCl hybrid nanostructures with tunable morphologies and compositions as advanced visible light plasmonic photocatalysts FCC 2016.07.27 995
140 Yun Suk Huh & Jonghwi Lee, Fabrication of 3D honeycomb-like porous polyurethane-functionalized reduced graphene oxide for detection of dopamine FCC 2016.07.27 851
139 Yun Suk Huh, Fabrication of Palladium Nanoparticles on Porous Aromatic Frameworks as a Sensing Platform to Detect Vanillin FCC 2016.07.27 820
138 Yun Suk Huh, Sensing of picric acid with a glassy carbon electrode modified with CuS nanoparticles deposited on nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide FCC 2016.07.27 923
137 Yun Suk Huh, Direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c immobilized on titanium nitride/multi-walled carbon nanotube composite for amperometric nitrite biosensor FCC 2016.07.27 19317
136 Yun Suk Huh, An enzyme-free electrochemical sensor based on reduced graphene oxide/Co3O4 nanospindle composite for sensitive detection of nitrite FCC 2016.07.27 804
135 Yun Suk Huh, A Facile and Straightforward Strategy to DecorateZnO Nanoparticles on Graphene Surface: Antimicrobial Property FCC 2016.07.27 782
134 Yun Suk Huh, Pt-Au bimetallic nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide as an excellent electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation FCC 2016.07.27 789
133 O-Pil Kwon, Multi-functional Supramolecular Building Blocks with Hydroxy Piperidino Groups: New Opportunities for Developing Nonlinear Optical Ionic Crystals FCC 2016.07.27 912